
WellWorks成员, Visitors and Clients will be asked to read and sign consent forms and understand our policies. Any individual who participates in our programs is expected to have read, understood, 并同意此处提供的相关政策和表格. 



以下政策适用于所有WellWorks产品和服务, 包括但不限于:营养咨询, 专家研讨会/类, 按摩疗法, Memberships, 个人培训, 健康指导.

  • 付款应在服务时支付. 
  • Payment by credit card - we accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. 
  • 如果你想注册直接借记付款, please be prepared to provide your financial institution information (bank name, 路由号码, 账户号码).
    • You must also pay for the first month's fee via credit card at time of sign-up. 
  • 我们不接受支票或现金付款.
  • 小费/礼物:我们的按摩师, 注册营养师, 私人教练, 和健康教练都是政府雇员, therefore, 不接受小费. Please refrain from offering tips, monetary or otherwise, in exchange for services.  
    • 私人教练 are not permitted to accept tips or gifts from clients in exchange for their services as a personal trainer.
  • 我们不是医疗机构,不能报销保险.
  • 灵活支出账户支出:在这个时候, newbb电子平台 is not established with an Inventory Information Approval System (IIAS) and, therefore, WellWorks cannot accept debit cards from Flexible Spending Accounts such as Wageworks. We can, however, provide you with an itemized receipt for reimbursement submission to your Flexible Spending Account.  While some of our services do qualify for reimbursement with some FSA programs, 可能会有一些限制(比如医生的来信). WellWorks is not responsible for verifying expense eligibility prior to payment.
  • 我们不卖“礼券”,” but we can place a monetary amount on an account; the money will be transferred at the time of their service.  
    • If the amount does not cover the full cost, they must self-pay the difference.  如果金额超过了服务费用, they will have that as credit to use for a future service; they will not receive cash back. 
    • 如果收件人不在我们的系统中, we will create an account at no cost and place the monetary amount on the new account
  • A WellWorks membership is not required for purchasing our massage therapy, 营养咨询, reiki, 或者健康指导服务. 
  • An active membership is required for participation in our personal training services.
  • Late Policy: Clients who are late to an appointment will receive the remaining time of the scheduled appointment and be charged the full price. 
  • 自购买之日起一年内有效.
  • 会话不可转让.
  • 如果我们仍然提供服务,课程将不退款.


  • 客户在服务时必须年满18岁.  
    • Those age 13-17 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian during the service.
  • Our Massage Therapists and Reiki Practitioner follow the industry standard of providing 50 minutes of service to each hour. This is to accommodate client preparation and departure at the beginning and end of the hour-long appointment. This translates to 25 minutes of service for a 30-minute appointment and 80 minutes of service for a 90-minute appointment.
  • 请参见:支付政策


  • 设备采用先到先得的原则. You may not reserve a piece of equipment for a specific time period.
  • 我们的高峰时间是下午4:30-7:30.m. Monday-Friday. During this time, there is a 20 minute time limit if someone is waiting for the equipment you are on. However, if no one is waiting, you are welcome to extend your workout.
  • 请尊重他人的权利. 禁止任何形式的骚扰. 确认骚扰会员, students, staff, and other individuals can result in termination of current and future membership.
  • 轮式溜冰鞋, skateboards, hoverboards, 所有的校园建筑都禁止骑自行车, 包括格罗弗中心.
  • 禁止在运动区域内进食. 允许携带带防溢盖的水瓶.
  • 请穿适合运动的衣服. 为了您的安全,请穿贴身的鞋子.
  • Exercise equipment should be used according to its intended purpose and design. 请注意这些机器上的标志.
  • 如果某件设备不能正常工作, 请停止使用,并立即通知工作人员.
  • 为了你的安全, any accident or incident must be reported immediately to a WellWorks staff member.
  • Please wipe off padded areas and handles of each machine after you finish using it. Spray bottles and towels are available throughout the fitness center for your convenience.
  • Cell phone use in the fitness center is limited to non-conversational purposes only. 更衣室内禁止使用手机.
  • Children under the age of 13 are not permitted in the fitness center or group fitness classes.
  • Please respect others by cleaning up after yourself in the locker room.
  • 租赁储物柜用过期日期标签标识. Non-rental lockers are for your use while you are in our facility; please remove all items when you leave for the day. Locks found on all non-rental lockers at closing will be cut and contents removed.
  • 个人物品不能留在办公桌旁. Use a locker, place them in a cubby in the 健身中心, or lock them in your car.
  • WellWorks is not responsible for lost, stolen, left behind, or damaged personal property.
  • 我们的失物招领处在前台. Please check with staff if you think you have lost something while visiting us. 有价值的物品将移交给OUPD. 无人认领的物品将于每学期结束时捐赠.


  • 你必须是现在的会员才能上课. 
  • Members are asked to pre-register for each class they wish to attend via the Member Portal.  指导员会在你到达时为你登记. 我们问,如果你注册了一个类,你不能参加, that you cancel your registration via the Member Portal so your space can go to another participant, 而且你没有被标记为“不来”.
  • Members must sign-in by clicking on the class link for all virtual classes.
  • Class size is limited, so those registered will be able to attend before those who are not.
  • 请务必穿著合适的鞋子. (不要穿露趾鞋.)
  • 在春夏之间, the air conditioning may be hard to adjust and it has traditionally been very cold, 所以请带一件夹克或多穿几件衣服来上课.
  • 请带一个水瓶和一条毛巾.
  • 请提前几分钟到达. 许多课程在开始时间前5-10分钟就被填满了. (SPINNING/CYCLING: Please arrive 10 minutes early to correctly adjust your bike.)
  • For your safety, you may not participate if you arrive more than 5 minutes after the class has begun. (你错过了热身!)
  • 如果您受伤或有其他重大的医疗状况, 请在上课前通知老师.
  • 孩子们不允许进入教室.
  • Check Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter for class changes/cancellation notices. 如果你是预先注册的并且课程有变化, 您将收到有关更新的电子邮件.


The following outline the content available on the forms that a new member may be required to sign upon purchase of a membership with WellWorks. 下面两个链接仅供参考. If purchasing your membership online, you will be able to submit your response electronically. 如果在我们的前台亲自购买, our Wellness Specialists will provide you with the proper forms and signature opportunities.