
国际研究 - War and Peace

Sign at a protest reads "we need a change."

The 国际研究–War and Peace major allows students to explore the field of security studies from an interdisciplinary perspective. There has been a recent and dramatic spike in the demand for graduates in security studies. The creation of the Department of Homeland Security, new emphases on improved intelligence analysis and risk assessments, 边境控制, 移民, heightened proliferation threats around the globe, increased attention and hiring in the areas of counterterrorism and counterinsurgency, as well as reconstruction and development culminate in demand for students well trained in war and peace studies. The job market is competitive and every career demands a substantive understanding of global dynamics today. 在我们的节目中, we introduce our students to the fields of peace and security studies through one-on-one advising, intensive language training and education abroad. The students also participate in the myriad events and workshops related to dynamics of conflict and cooperation, network with experts and activists, work closely with our faculty and present their research in national conferences. 

国际研究 - War and Peace majors are required to study three years of one language or two years of one language and one of another. 学生 may choose from a broad selection of critical languages to international security. War and Peace students are also required to study or intern abroad. 学生 go to countries as diverse as France, 爱尔兰, 以色列, 巴西, 南非, 阿拉伯联合酋长国, 印度和摩洛哥. 学生 must consult with their advisor and the Office of Global Opportunities before committing to an internship or study abroad program.

War and Peace students are exceptional, winning nationally competitive awards every year. 教师 involved with the program – from the Departments of Anthropology, 英语, 历史, 社会学, 哲学, and Political Science in the College of Arts and Sciences, as well as the Schools of Journalism and Communication Studies in the Scripps College of Communication – are top-rated scholars and teachers, many of whom have won campus-wide teaching awards and have published scholarly works with top presses and in major journals.


国际研究 Core Requirements

学生 will complete 42 hours, in addition to the language requirement, including the following courses:

  • ANTH 1010 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 学分: 3
  • GEOG 2400 - Environmental Geography 学分: 3
  • INST 1010 - Understanding the World 学分: 3
  • POLS 2500 - International Relations 学分: 3
  • An Economics course: ECON 1000 - Survey of Economics, or ECON 1030 - Principles of Microeconomics, or ECON 1040 - Principles of Macroeconomics 学分: 3


学生 will take 6 hours from the following courses. Courses should be from two different disciplines.

  • ANTH 3530 - Anthropology of Violence and Peace 学分: 3
  • CARS 3210 - Religion and Violence 学分: 3
  • COMS 1100 - Communication Among Cultures 学分: 3
  • HIST 2200 - A Global Military 历史 from Antiquity to the Present 学分: 3
  • HIST 3213 - War, Violence, Modernity 学分: 3
  • INST 4950 - 战争与和平研究 Seminar 学分: 3
  • JOUR 4630 - Media and Conflicts 学分: 3
  • MGT 4640 - Cross-Cultural Leadership and Management 学分: 3
  • POLS 4580 - Introduction to War and its Causes 学分: 3
  • SOC 4680 - Crimes Against Humanity 学分: 3

Electives, Thematic and Language Courses

View an extensive list of courses offered in the War and Peace major.

Eligibility and Application Requirements

Interested students can apply to the 国际研究 - War and Peace program through 本科招生. The Center for 国际研究 does not currently have any selective or limited application requirements. 


Current newbb电子平台 students who wish to add or change their major or add a second major can apply to do so online.


newbb电子平台 for More Information

Dr. 约书亚山
导演 of Undergraduate Studies, Center for 国际研究
Associate Professor of Chinese 历史